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The Global Risks Report 2021 16th Edition I N S I G H T R E P O R T In partnership with Marsh McLennan, SK Group and Zurich Insurance Group The Global Risks Report 2021 16th Edition Strategic Partners Marsh McLennan SK Group Zurich Insurance Group Academic Advisers National University of Singapore Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, University of Pennsylvania The Global Risks Report 2021, 16th Edition, is published by the World Econom WEF , inequality in many countries , president of the social , africa were on high , edition of that report , gdp by the imf , countries once the pandemic , economies for which data , asia s new trade , challenges at a time , youth in some sectors , data for the fiscal , response by asking respondents , 1-Feb-2021 auto-generated

The Future of Jobs Report 2020 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 3 5 7 8 8 9 16 19 26 27 29 35 40 40 45 49 50 53 55 56 66 119 150 157 158 160 Cover: Unsplash/Joel Guerrero Inside: Unsplash/Christina wocintechchat; Unsplash/Faruq Al Aqib; Unsplash/Rob Lambert Contents Preface Executive Summary Part 1 Tracking the Future of Jobs Chapter 1 The Labour Market Outlook in the Pandemic Economy 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Short-term shocks and long-term trends 1.3 The remote and hybrid workforce 1.4 Impact on equality Chap WEF , displaced by new technologies , support of this project , employment and become displaced , roles such as process , impact of the global , change to the economy , workforce for each duration , roles in the healthcare , employees within an organization , markets over the month , software and it sec 1-Feb-2021 auto-generated

Regional Agenda Rethinking Arab Employment A Systemic Approach for Resource-Endowed Economies Part of the New Vision for Arab Employment Initiative of the World Economic Forum October 2014 Contents System Introduction the Main Causes of Youth Unemployment GCC Countries 15 1. Dynamics of the Employment 15 2. Vulnerabilities of the 3 Preface 4 Executive Summary 6 10 Part I Stakeholders Perceptions of 12 Part II The Employment System in 26 Part III Interventions 30 Conclusion: Perspectives for Furt WEF , market and to increase , perceptions of certain job , people than the oil , skills for these sectors , countries in the gulf , stakeholders have different perceptions , cooperation between the private , people in the government , people to keep job , jobs in the private , job in the public , labou 2-Feb-2021 auto-generated